Five Healthy-ish Snack Ideas
August 10, 2016
Hello again! My blogging schedule has become really sporadic
because of work commitments but I am back!
I try to maintain somewhat of a healthy balanced diet but
sometimes it can be difficult. Pigging out and watching a bunch of films on the
sofa is something I try not to do too often, but it is a great for days when
you haven’t got much to do. I find that if I try to eat several small meals a
day I am less likely to snack in between them, compared to eating three large
meals a day. However, if I’m busy and on the go, a healthy snack can really
fill a gap. So here five healthyish snack ideas that are quick and easy.

I love popcorn. I usually prefer salted popcorn but if I don’t
have another choice I will go for sweet. The brand I usually purchase from is
the Metcalfe Skinny Popcorn. This brand is all about healthy snacking and does a
range of products. It’s also suitable for vegetarians and gluten free which is
great for me as I am meant to avoid gluten as much as possible. I also love
this brand because they do a lot of charity work through the sale of their
Hummus & Breadsticks
I know some people don’t like hummus but I absolutely love
it! You can have it with crackers, fruit or veggies but I prefer to have it
with breadsticks. There are many different types of hummus you can get but my favourite
is Moroccan hummus. I’ve heard it’s pretty easy to make your own hummus but I’m
a little bit lazy so I just purchase it from a store.
Cashew Nuts
Unlike both siblings I don’t have a nut allergy, which is
kind of strange. I find salted cashew nuts so moreish, I can easily go through a
whole bag of them. Cashew nuts are a good source of protein and are rich in vitamins
& minerals that help maintain the immune system. They’re pretty cheap to
buy and can be found in most supermarkets and corner shops.
There’s a lot of debates discussing if ‘fro yo’ is actually
healthier than ice cream but I believe that it is and I prefer the taste of
frozen yoghurt to ice cream. I did have to do a little bit of searching but
there are plenty of dairy free frozen yoghurts in supermarkets and online. My favourite
is the Raspberry flavour from the ‘Coconut Collaborative’ brand. They
use coconut milk as an alternative to dairy and it tastes amazing!
Sunflower Seeds
This might be a bit of an odd one but I really do enjoy
snacking on sunflower seeds. I was actually babysitting at the time I discovered
this snack. I was looking after a little girl and she wanted to share her sunflower
seeds with me. At first I was bit sceptical because they’re seeds, can you even
eat them? But once I tried them I realised they’re actually quite nice and
learnt that they’re full of good vitamins and minerals!
Let me know if you guys have any healthy snacking ideas! Hope you enjoyed reading this and you're all having a fab summer!
I'll write soon xox